Friday, March 8, 2013


Just wanted to share a few songs with you guys. It's good that my roommate moved away 'cos now I can sing my heart out any time I want XD My singing is not that good you know.. -___-;; I mean, I do get the right notes but my voice is very weak :< That's why I'd love to take some singing lessons but the lessons here are not so good so I don't bother...

This song has been stuck in my head for days. I like this song though. I've always loved System of a Down, their music is so epic!! <3

Then, a couple of lovely Finnish songs! I really hope that my dear foreign readers will listen to these. I love these so much *-* I think these songs are beautiful. I translated the lyrics for you guys so it would be more interesting for you! 

I know it's night when you arrive home in the dark
Loneliness hits without saying its name
When you read my letter you hear an echo
You see stains that you think are rain

I walk outside in the light, I can feel the wind on my face
I didn't feel it in the house where I never go back, I think
I'm not going anywhere
Nothing comes to me, for me

Only stains on a paper so don't get angry, nothing is gonna changed
Not our journeys
Not our moments
The cold wind can tickle your back, but it pushes you forward so don't be afraid
Don't worry about it because we had our moments
Remember that we had our moments

I came 'cos I was invited, left like a thief, finally got scared
When I grabbed myself, I realised I had grown up
I sucked you dry, you grabbed my scarf
Your smell, you did the same to me, your run, I forgive you

Only stains on a paper so don't get angry, nothing is gonna changed
Not our journeys
Not our moments
The cold wind can tickle your back, but it pushes you forward so don't be afraid
Don't worry about it because we had our moments
Remember that we had our moments

Which one are you afraid of
Noise or peace?
Which one do you avoid
Loneliness or herd?
Why are you crying
While the neighbour's child is laughing?
You are deep waters
A mountain I can't get to
Forgotten attic
You're a titan shell
Why are you crying
While the neighbour's child is laughing
Why are you crying
While someone is singing about love in the radio?

Speak with a voice I can hear
With words I understand
With poems I comprehend
You need subtitles
Explainer of secrets
All-knowing teller
Speak with a voice I can hear
I am simple
Always in need of an explanation
You, a complicated map
A journey in foreign lands
Why are you crying
While someone is singing about love in the radio?

Speak with a voice I can hear
With words I understand
With poems I comprehend
You need subtitles
Explainer of secrets
All-knowing teller
Speak with a voice I can hear
 Hmm, Finnish songs are pretty challenging to translate in English because they are difficult to understand even in Finnish :DDD But I hope you understood something XD


  1. I don't mean to be rudeor anything but your blog would be much easier to read if the font was a bit more "normal". I feel that your font is a bit stressful to read in big amounts. Other than that, I like your blog :3

    1. Hi! And thank you for your comment! Actually, I've been thinking about it myself as well! Maybe I really should change it :D I will try to find a nice and easier font to read!

  2. "You arrive home in the dark"
    Omistusmuoto puuttuu ja tuo tarkottaisi, että kotiin saavuttaessa on pimeää, ei että talo olisi pimeä.
    > You arrive to your home that's dark

    "I didn't feel it in the house where I never go back,"
    Tarkoittaisi, että kyseinen henkilö lähti sieltä joskus, ja että hän kieltää vierailevansa siellä. Ei, että hän lähti sieltä juuri ja sanoo, ettei aio koskaan palata sinne takaisin.
    > I didn't feel it in the house, where I'm never going back

    Ja näin ohimennen, että englanninkielen "Anger" on vähän turhan vahva sanavalinta suomenkielen suuttumukselle. "Upset" kuvaisi paremmin kappaleen lievempää suuttumusta ja yleistä pettymystä ja epävarmuutta/-tietoisuutta.

    "nothing is gonna changed!"
    Tarkoittaisi, että "mikään ei aio muuttunut" tai "mikään ei tule muuttunut".
    > nothing is gonna change

    "Not our journeys, Not our moments"
    Tarkoittaisi "Meidän retkemme, meidän hetkemme", mihinkäs loput lyriikoista jäivät?
    > Not the fact that we had our journeys, Not the fact that we had our moments

    "I sucked you dry. you grabbed my scarf. Your smell"
    Itse asiassa huiviin ei tarttunut kukaan henkilö, sillä kappaleessa lauletaan, että haju tarttui huiviin.
    > I sucked you dry, your smell sticked to my scarf"

    "Your smell, you did the same to me, your run, I forgive you"
    Tämä kohta vain sen takia, koska tuo "Your smell" pitää tosiaan jättää pois tämän lauseen alusta, sillä kappaleessa tarkoitetaan, että toinenkin imi kappaleen henkilön kuiviin.

    1. "Ohoh." "Empäs olekaan yhtä haka tässä kääntämisessä, kuin oletin" ??

      Mikä jaa?

    2. lol, sanoinko mä tossa postauksessa että oon mestarikääntäjä? :DDDDD Luehan vielä toi viimenen kappale huolella.
