Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Colorful crochet hooks!

Finally I bought them, the colorful crochet hooks I've been drooling for a while now! Look how cute they are!!

The sizes of the hooks are pretty big, 5,6,7,8 and 10 (mm), so they are planned for bigger and thicker projects. I've been thinking about crocheting carpets! I got the idea from my friend who said that she would also like to start crocheting, by making carpets. I have no place to put them yet though, so I think I'm gonna wait until next spring when I move out this tiny shithole, to (hopefully) live together with my boyfriend! <3

I finished one baby-project again <3 I have crocheted.... *counts* 5 presents for my future nephew/niece now! :DDD three more presents to come ^^ after that I could crochet something for myself as well :D and I should also bring my Etsy-shop back to life, I only have one product there atm >___<


  1. katoin eka että mitäs ilotikkuja sä tänne lisäilet mut sitte hoksasin mitä ne on :DDD

  2. Mulla on samanlaiset koukut mattojen virkkuuta varten. Tosin nro 5 tai 6 meni ja katkesi ollessaan ekaa kertaa käytössä (mutta novita lähetti uuden (metallisen) tilalle kun valitin). Paksummat ovat kyllä kestäneet tosi hyvin matonkuteen neulomista. :)

    1. Aijaa o_O no mutta hyvä tietää etten ala sitten mitään matonkuteita noilla virkkaamaan :D Tosin en ajatellukkaan, lähinnä jos virkkaan jostain pakusta langasta.
